Medical History's

As we creep closer to November we are busy filling out pages and pages of paper work to get medical history's from Spectrum to Mercy Health. As Troy handed me the thick packet he said; "it shouldn't be to hard, my medical history isn't much." Seriously? 

It wasn't worth the argument, I figured, once I get everything together I'll show him he has quite an extensive medical history since last October. After everything I ended up getting 5 separate discs with a total of 27 MRI's, CT's and x-Rays he has had since October 11. On top of that pages of lab work, EEG results and so much more. Troy kept pulling it out of the envelope and going, "wow, there's a lot here!" No kidding! When we got home he tried reading the description/ findings on each scan done. It was pretty hysterical, every other word he would stop and try and sound it out. There are a lot of big medical words in there. He asked if I could read them to him and explain; not 6 pages in he was struggling to keep his eyes open. Ha! 

We had already made two trips to GR this week for Troys perscriptions. I figured it would be so much easier for me to drive there and get it myself than to keep waiting for the stupid papers to come in the mail. Troy had been out of his pills for a couple days and that's a couple days too long! As much as he thinks there isn't a huge difference, there is. Without the pill he is ready to call it a day by noon, if not before. That makes for lots of anxiety on my part knowing he is tired at work. When I'm at work I'm constantly waiting for the radio to go off with a 24 male coming in unresponsive for whatever reason. And whenever I'm home and hear sirens, I call him to make sure he is still alive. Life of an anxious person; jumping to the absolute worst conclusions in an instant. Thankfully, Troy is pretty good with my anxiety. He knows that if he is at work he needs to answer my phone call. It will be short and sweet and I'll quick take the opportunity to tell him I love him. I know it may sound obnoxious but if it makes me feel better, I'll do it. 

His twitching has started up again. Almost on a daily basis he will be twitching at some point; typically after work or at night. He will almost always have me drive to wherever we're going and I'm OK with that. I'd rather him be honest and say whether he should or shouldn't do something. We're gaining lots of trust there! 

Baby's last appointment went great. Got to see him on ultrasound again, we just love that! We're down to single digits for weeks left, it's hard to wrap my head around the fact we will have a little one so soon. I'm not sure who is more excited; me or Troy! I'm thinking I'll have a serious baby hog on my hands, probably more than one, let's be real. Troy has been very sweet; requesting to do a baby class so he can learn everything he needs to know and playing around with the baby stuff figuring out how it all works. He is going to be a great dad, no doubt about that! We have been in bed by 8:30-9 every night for the past few weeks, it's gotten pretty bad. Sometimes even sleeping by 9. We are in for it come November! Life with a pregnant wife and a husband with a brain injury; lots of sleep going on here! 


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