Roles have reversed here at the Bosch house. I all of the sudden became patient and Troy my care giver. Scary, I know. I'm not handling it well. I have this idea that it's just easier if I do things because they will get done the way I want them too. 

Last Tuesday after work I landed myself back in Holland Hospital but this time as a patient. At my last appointment my BP was elevated and they told me to keep and eye on it. Throughout the weekend I had checked it three times a day; morning, noon and night. After a few days I had noticed a trend up. Of course it was after hours so I called in just to ask. Little did I know she would have me come in for testing, let alone not let me leave for the whole night either! I was a little upset which probably didn't help the BP issue. They kept saying, "your BP is scary and girl, your swollen!". All of that was true but I was convinced I could fix it by a good night sleep :) after IV fluids, meds, blood work and fetal monitoring I was finally able to go home at 8:30 the next morning. It took a lot of convincing when my doctor came in to let me go home. I told him I was confident I could handle whatever needed to be done at home :) throughout the night they checked my reflexes and apparently they weren't good, my eyes were dilated differently. I don't really understand how all that goes together but they were a little worked up about that. 

After what seemed like a forever and a million years, I was able to go home and required to go on bed rest until little Bosch arrives. I'm already bored out of my mind. The doctor says 80% of my day should be resting. I'm not one for sitting all day. I need to do something! This is killer. I've started some word searches, coloring books, but they are long days! I might start a countdown to put on the wall. That will keep me busy for like, 10 minutes! 

I figured bed rest could be done anywhere so off to my parents house I went last night. Either they stress me out :) or my BP is an actual issue because it was through the roof. To the point where I called my doc thinking I had to go back in for another dose of BP meds. Thankfully, he knows how much I hate that idea so he told me in so many words to chill out and if it stayed up to go in. 

It's still been running high today, more so after my baby shower again but I kind of expected that. I go in for another non stress on Tuesday and then again on Friday. I'm practically living at the doctors office now until baby comes around! At least I can get out of the house for that! 

Troy got a lot done here today and I'm feeling like we're as close as we can be ready for this baby. Shelves are in, can lights (with dimmers, my favorite), clothes put away, diapers out, all seats and baby necessities are or together. Whoa! This baby will be here before we know it. Especially if this BP issue continues, we will have to take him early to limit the potential risks that come along with it. 

And so we wait... And Im once again tested in the patience department! 


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