I'm a list person. I like to see what I have accomplished and I have a weird need to write everything down; old school pen and paper. If my handwriting isn't up to my standards I will rewrite the entire thing no matter how long. 

Last night I decided I needed a list for the week. It's my long stretch off from work and I always feel the need to get as much accomplished as I possibly can. I must admit somedays I end up just laying on couch binge watching my latest Netflix addiction. On my list for today was to set up the Neuro Opthmologist appointment for Troy. As it goes, the wait to get in isn't until Novemeber. November still seems like a year away but I know that we're only a couple months out. Troy and his impatience will just need to figure it out. I'm quite surprised he isn't used to it by now. It happens every single time we meet with Vandenberg. Oh well, what's another few months! He has been dealing with these eye issues since the accident. 

November 12 were headed to see a neuro opthmologist and I'm very interested to see what they all do and what they come up with as a plan of action. I'm hoping it's an easy fix and this doesn't turn into multiple appointments. Between the two (almost three) of us we will have plenty of those! 

As for me, I had my glucose testing. I was pretty worked up after hearing how terrible it is and pretty much banked on up chucking it all over myself and being down for the count the rest of the day. I've heard "it tastes like flat orange pop " and I've seen that the liquid is, orange. Much to my surprise they handed me a jug (not actually a jug, it was pretty small) of clear liquid. I had a mini moment of panic thinking, this is going to be way worse. I had planned on flat orange pop and this was definitely NOT orange. She explained what I had to do. I made sure to ask if it was cold. It was. I took the first sip and it was surprisingly good! I think it tasted a bit like a mixed drink I used to make prior to this whole baby business. I don't know what everyone makes such a big deal over, or maybe I'm just weird but I would drink it again! Now, fingers crossed I pass! The hour long wait was he worst, I can't imagine three! 

Next week we have a baby check up and  another ultrasound. Babe didn't feel like keeping his hands off his chest for the last little video chat we had with him. Therefore, we couldn't see all chambers of the heart. I'm not worried at all, pretty excited we get a chance to see him again though. The ultrasound at work is getting hard to figure out what is what. There is a lot of baby in there and now I can only get a leg at a time. (Really hoping that doesn't mean he already is pushing the scale at 10 pounds - I'm going to start sweating just thinking about it!) 

Many of you have been asking about the nursery and how all the baby stuff is coming and honestly, we have a room full of stuff, freshestly painted but not near done. Livable to some standards but not mine quite yet. I'm very surprised, knowing me I am a planner and like things done asap. Denial might be the right word to use here. Obviously, this is all new and we have never done this before but I'm just in no rush. We have time ( I will probably continue to say that until week 39 then I'll panic). It will happen when it happens. Troy is keeping me busy for now and I am going to try and enjoy the responsibility I have now because when baby comes this will have been a breeze. 

I'll just keep rubbing lotion on my itchy belly, making my to do lists and following Troy around like a stalker. (Yes, I still do that) I'm paranoid, what can I say?! 


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