More answered prayers!

This week has been a very good week! 

Troy's boss was able to talk with Dr Vandenberg which was very nice. For the doctor and for us. It's so much better getting updates right from the horses mouth rather than through the chain. 


A few things were cleared up and we got what Troy has been long awaiting, answers!! Praise Jesus! 

He is now cleared to work (up to) 10 hours a day. Before the accident that was about normal, if not more. He loves his job and soaks in as much time as he can, working. He also does NOT need to take his Journeymans test over again! I'm telling you, this was the best news I've heard in a very long time. I had been pretty worked up about the possibility of Troy having to do that again.  I considered learning electrical code so that I could be somewhat of a help for him while studying. Whew, got out of that one! Not my forte! 

We still wait until November for our next appointment which always seems like forever and eternity away but it comes quicker than we think. Which also means baby will be here before we know it. AH! Scary. The wait will be a bit easier this time around because Troy got a few more of his restrictions lifted. That always makes for a happy camper in the Bosch house! 

I've been a lot more comfortable lately with Troy going to work. It may be because of his job switch or maybe because I pray every night for a break from the life-sucking thing we call anxiety. Either way, it's good! It makes for a lot happier home when I'm not locking my self away crying, trying to pull it together because I can't get all the "what-ifs" out of my head. Obviously, Troy doesn't understand which makes sense. He was MIA though the most difficult time of my life and I don't expect or even want him to understand. It makes for some relational barriers that probably will always be there. 

So, we wait again for November to come around and chat. The nice part about these waits is that it gives Troy a little extra time for healing. That way we can make purposeful steps each time we meet with the doctor rather than just a check up. Hopefully, by then we will get a game plan on the next neuro psych he will have to take and whatever else is on our check list. Funny, life previous to accident was so easy! Makes me wish I wouldn't have taken it for granted so much. The last year we have been living month by month with what the new rules for Troy are. Oh what a day it will be when he can just do his (new) normal life again with no doctors visits and no tests and just a little normalcy! What does normal even look like? Who knows! What I do know is that I'll enjoy it a heck of a lot more! I'm just thankful for a second chance and grateful I get an attitude "redo" you could say. It's a whole new world living and knowing the crappiness I could have to deal with. Life is pretty darn good! Don't ever take it for granted!


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