More answered prayers!
This week has been a very good week! Troy's boss was able to talk with Dr Vandenberg which was very nice. For the doctor and for us. It's so much better getting updates right from the horses mouth rather than through the chain. Anyways... A few things were cleared up and we got what Troy has been long awaiting, answers!! Praise Jesus! He is now cleared to work (up to) 10 hours a day. Before the accident that was about normal, if not more. He loves his job and soaks in as much time as he can, working. He also does NOT need to take his Journeymans test over again! I'm telling you, this was the best news I've heard in a very long time. I had been pretty worked up about the possibility of Troy having to do that again. I considered learning electrical code so that I could be somewhat of a help for him while studying. Whew, got out of that one! Not my forte! We still wait until November for our next appointment which always seems like forever and eternity away bu...