pulling in the reigns

Week four of work came quickly, for me at least. He is going into his second week of working six hours a day. The last appointment we had with Vandenberg he told me that whenever I felt he was ready to bump up his hours or whatever I thought Troy needed, I can call and he will write a script for it. At first I was like, awesome! ......no. Especially when Troy knows I'm holding the key to more hours. He is contantly asking when I'm going to call. I think that I'm holding a little too much responsibility with this. I would much rather have a doctor make this call. 

As much as Troy try's to talk me into things, I have learned that Kelsey knows better in this area. Let me tell you he is very convincing! I can get a lot of people to agree with me on that. I actually just had this discussion with him the other day. I've decided he actually thinks he is invincible. He can do anything in his mind so yes, he absolutely needs the reigns pulled in ALL.THE.TIME. Its nice to have Vandenberg agree with me on things becuause that makes it a lot easier to make disicions on his behalf. I'm over hurting his feelings. If the doctor says you can't do something, your not doing it period. I don't care if I'm the bad guy. Trust me, I am SO used to it now. It only hurts when Troy is mad and says hurtful things. I'm more concerned about his well being than what he thinks about me.

 I know he wants to succeed and I want that for him too. I'm not sure he is to a point yet where he can always make a good decision for himself. That's why I'm here! I try my best, I really do. I know I might mess up here and there but I know the scariness of mistake that will put you in a coma for 13 days and let me tell you that won't happen again if I can help it! One phrase we have rid of our lives is, "what's the worst that could happen". Troy agrees, that phrase won't be said ever again. We have come to close for comfort knowing what the worst is. 

Maybe, MAYBE (I know your reading this Troy) next week will be a bump up to eight hours. Personally, I think that it takes at least two weeks to get used to a couple more hours for Troy. He still is tired after working which is normal. His brain is working twice as hard as our normal brains to do even the most simple things. Patience, something we need a lot of in this house!


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