Choosing JOY

It will be five months post accident, tomorrow! Those months flew by, and I'm so glad! 

Troy has his first day back to work tomorrow. He is doing a couple hours with his therapists showing them around so they can get a better idea of what he does as an electrician. So, I guess technically it's not really his first day back, but we will consider it anyway! After they get an idea of what all his job entails they will be able to recreate certain scenarios in therapy sessions. Getting him on track for going back on his own, safely. 
We meet with Dr. Vandenberg on Monday. Which, I'm really excited for. I love hearing the updates on troys progress from the doctor and he is so excited about Troy. I love that! We are extremely blessed to have such an incredible, intelligent, personable doctor through this all. It's more exciting knowing he doesn't typically pick up patients like Troy but he was so interested he just had to have him. 
We should know a lot more after next Monday. Fingers crossed, Troy might be able to start a couple hours at work. Knowing Dr Vandenberg, I would guess he would want to air on the side of caution and wait a while until we jump to that step. As he says often; your young, healthy, strong, and have your whole life ahead of you, why risk it? I 100% agree. Looking back in a few years this year will feel like nothing. Heck, the last five months felt like they went by in a day. 
So we will wait, patiently
Oh, patience... So easy to say but so hard to feel. 
I've learned an unbelievable amount of patience through this journey. However, Troy is just coming into it. In his mind; things should have been better months ago. He should be back at work and this whole waiting game is for the birds. He doesn't quite grasp the reality of everything in his life. It's understandable. 
After my last post I did a lot of processing. I have to do this often. Mental talk my way through things. This is my life whether I like it or not. Everyone has struggles of their own and this is mine. There is nothing I can do to change what is reality. What I can change is my attitude about it. It's not easy but it needs to happen. I need to appreciate what I have because I know all to well how quickly those things can be taken away. I know that to be strong doesn't mean I don't have my moments. And having moments are OK. I'm human. Emotions are a natural human experience. They happen because we feel; we feel sad, mad, happy, etc. I'm not, not allowed to feel anything. It happens because we all have a heart. 
I am blessed. I am thankful. And I am also extremely loved. By my family, by Troy, by so many others. I have seen it shine through in so many people through this journey. It's truely hard to wrap my head around. I'm going to work a lot harder this week on a positive attitude, because I have too much in life that is worth a whole lot more than feeling down or upset all the time.  

I'm going to choose joy.


  1. Wow! I'm glad that you kept on, fought on and built yourself up as a person of resilience beyond compare. You should really embrace that about yourself from this point. Anyway, I hope that your recovery continues and accelerate even more, and that you will be able to investigate and find out all the dimensions and aspects of the accident. Thanks for sharing that, Kelsey! Kudos and all the best to you!

    Sabrina Craig @ Medical Attorney NY


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