Neuro Pysch Evaulation Results

We won't have the official report for at least a week but from what the Pyschologist said, things went great today! Troy was pretty bummed he couldn't study for this but I'm actually glad he couldn't. That would have made for a lot more unnecessary stress on his end. 

The Pyschologist explained that Troys processing speed is the only thing she is seeing that's a true deficit. It seems to get worse with the more tasks given to complete at a time. Depending on the task his processing deficit can range from mild to severe. This is the most common deficit that accompanies a traumatic brain injury. Processing is something that can get better over time or it could continue to be an issue. There is no way to know. Having been only four months, she seems to think there is a good chance it will get better. What she did see that she really appreciated is that Troy worked through things slower to make sure he was getting it right. Now, if you know Troy, doing anything slow is NOT acceptable. So, the fact that he is recognizing his deficit and taking the time to get it right is huge for him. 

Going forward, we are going to use up our remaining OT sessions with on the job site training. When that will happen, were not totally sure yet. We only have four left and we want to use them wisely. If he needs more than four we will go on to use MRS (Michigan Rehabilitation Services) as that's our only option with continuing therapy with insurance issues.  She recommended we try and get a few sessions in before we meet with Dr. Vandenberg on March 16th. That way, when we meet with him he can have an idea of how Troy is doing while on the job. In hopes to maybe get cleared to go back to work soon after March 16th! 


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