good results!!!

I'm so excited to say, the results are in and Troys tremors/twitching is NOT in any way related to seizures! Were so thrilled with the news that not only do we not need to worry about seizures but that Troy still has his freedom to drive. 

It's been a constant struggle between the two of us while driving lately. This would be so much easier if there wasn't ice and snow everywhere! I open my opioniated mouth too much and Troy gets seriously annoyed with it. I trust him but sometimes he feels the need to look around and not pay attention to the road and I find my self clinging to the seat with the death grip yelling, "get back on the road!!". He has gotten a lot better but I'm not sure I'm ready for him to just take off on his own yet.

When I got up this morning Troy was grinning from ear to ear. I knew right away he was up to no good. He had called our insurance company and added his truck back onto the insurance. Giving him a vehicle at his disposal 24/7. This was after I said he couldn't do it yesterday, apparently that means I'm defiantly in need of anxiety meds after today. I have had the conversation with him that I'm not ready for him to take off whenever he wants. He makes up the strangest excuses to drive anywhere possible. Every night when we go to bed I can't tell you how many times I hear, "what are we doing tomorrow, do we have plans, I'm going to make a list, help me with a list, babe what should we do tomorrow?" Oh. My. Word. Gotta love him! 

I must say I'm very proud of myself for allowing Troy to drive completely ON HIS OWN today. I was driving behind him but I would still consider it a huge step for me. Surpringly, I didn't come down with any pain in my chest and/or difficulty breathing! 

Here are a couple pictures from when Troy and I went to the Griffins game last Saturday night! We had so much fun getting out for an adventurous (for us) date! 

We had some great seats too! 


  1. Troy, I remember getting the "OK" to drive again after my injury. It kind of makes you feel useful again, doesn't it? We're so happy to see the progress you're still making. And'll be ok. God's got Troy in His hands :)


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