Stepping towards normalcy

Ugh... I'm sad to say the time has come that I go back to work tomorrow. I'm not looking forward to it. Mostly because I don't know how Troy will do without me and I dont know how I'll do without him. He and I have spent every waking moment together for nearly three months now. Im really trying hard not to think about it. I've said from the beginning how excited I have been for normal life to come again. This is a step...towards normal life. Why does it feel so terrible? I can't imagine a whole day without him. Ill worry, I'll call about a million times, I'll go over his 'rules' (he claims he doesn't have), and yes, I'll probably have a meltdownor two. But, I need to look at all of these as steps in the right direction. I'm not much for change, I've learned. I feel very uncomfortable with it. However, these are all good changes. Troy and I are so fortunate to work for such supportive companies that have gone above and beyond to help us with all of these changes. I'm so greatful for the time work has allowed me to spend with Troy the last 12 weeks. Life will get a little crazier with work to tack on to our to do list but I'm so excited to go back to what I love doing. Work will be different for me now. Traumas will be a little tougher to deal with and it will be really hard to have the 'deal with it later' attitude. Troys accident has softened me up a bit. I'm not sure it's sure a terrible thing though. After being on the patient side in a situation such as Troys I'd say it's acceptable to personalize and hurt with your patients. It shows you truly care. That to me is bigger than anything. 

As far as life changes goes, my sister Emily jetted off to Spain this past Saturday. There, she will study abroad for the next five months. To me, that is craziness. I wish I had a little piece of that adventure filled, outgoing spirit she has. She will sure make a lot of new memories and have an incredible experience. We will (and already do) miss her lots but I'm sure my mother is already planning her welcome home party in May. I'm glad she is able to go on this trip. For a while there she wasn't sure if she would go because of Troys condition. I'm so very thankful Troy is better and that Emily is able to experience this once in a life time opportunity! 
You can follow Emily's exciting adventure here on her blog:

The last night together calls for a dinner date out on the town. I know, I know, I only work two days a week but still. It's a big change for me and will take a lot of getting used to! Please pray that my anxiety subsides and that mostly, I don't come home with the flu! Troy is just pushing a 10 lb weight gain and the flu will do nothing but harm that number! I'll leave you with a how far we've come picture! 
Troys signature; business in the front, party in the back haircut.  His face already is looking so much better here! As you can see; trach in, on the vent, EKG, central line, second feeding tube placement in his nose (his other feeding tube wasn't working because of the paralytics they had to give him). 

I had to do the golfing picture again. I just can't get over the fact that my man is golfing already!! You only realize how much balance and coordination something takes when you experience health issues that limit those abilities! 

What a great God we serve who in capable of this kind of healing! The way he created our bodies is an absolute miracle in and of itself! 


  1. Kels, praying that the Lord fills you with peace and reminds you that he's watching over Troy while you are away.


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