Still improving!

8am came early this morning. With Troy having a hard time sleeping, it's been hard for me to fall asleep too. We have tried it all and honestly, I thought he would be on his normal sleep schedule by now. Turns out, brain injury patients (most the time) have a sleeping issue. At Mary Free Bed, our roommate (for a day), Jose, had a brain injury and NEVER slept. It's so crazy how the brain works. My aunt had given me some lavender oil to try. I was pretty sure that it wouldn't work. Turns out, it worked pretty well. I gave it a try last night too! I even dab a little on troys road rash burns on his hands! 

Yesterday was Troys CT scan. It was quick and painless. Troy was a little worried about what it all consisted of. I made sure to tell him it was the easiest thing have would have do since his accident. He got out and said, "well that wasn't bad!" It's strange to think he has no recollection of all the precious CT scans he has had. He had a lot of questions about it. I told him how they had to bring in a portable CT machine in because he was hooked up to so many things and too critical, he couldn't leave his room. He was pretty baffled by that! I believe he still has no idea of how bad things were there for a while. That's OK though, he doesn't need to know, it wasn't that enjoyable anyway.

I stayed with Troy all morning at therapy. We watched a video on concussions on 'Ted talks'. A neuro physiologist did a presentation on kids and concussions. Turns out riding a bike causes the most brain injuries/concussions of everything. With that being said, make you and your kids wear those helmets! Specialist have said that a bike helmet can cut the amount of impact the head takes by half! Something that was made clear is that each concussion or brain injury is different. Each person can experience different symptoms. We need to know what to look for and be informed! So do a little research. A brain injury doesn't necessarily mean a loss of consciousness it means a change in consciousness. For more information on this and more search

I asked the PT today if Troy could so some more kick boxing. I had missed it before and really wanted to see him in action. It was pretty hot. I can't lie. There's just something about a guy punching things that is so intriguing to me. ha! He had a hard time with punches and kicks on the left side. It was always a little more delayed. He also did a retest on his balance. He did so much better this time around! Almost all his numbers improved. Some areas were a little off but not by much. We had been discussing that Troy feels he has plateaued in his recovery. We have found that his gains aren't as noticeable now, he is still gaining but just not in such dramatic ways anymore. It was nice to see numbers and charts that showed he is still getting better! 
Troy doing his balance test.

I have always loved our times relaxing at night as a little family. Benson and Troy have found a new love for cuddling with each other. It's the cutest. Benson tends to think that he can just lay wherever his heart pleases and whenever. Troy is constantly saying, "Benson! Move over! Benson, I can't see! Ugh! Benson MOVE!!" All he wants is a little attention! Obviously, by this picture you can see that's very apparent! I just love my boys!


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