
I had my sonohystogram this morning, bright and early at 7:30. I didn't really know what to expect, they only told me I woud have some miild cramping. Turns out when they say mild they mean major. I typically have pretty bad mentrual cramps but they come and go. This was a constant, horrible, rip my hair out cramps. Basically the procedure is inserting a scope into through my cervix into my uterus to look at my uterine walls. The doctor said he did'nt see polyps or a septum and everything looked great. Thats great, except for that leaves us with no explaination for the miscarriages. 

My mom was gracious enough to come with me seeing since Troy is out of town working and couldn't take time off. I was bummed he couldn't be there but I understand. Plus my mom is just as good, and I'm sure she enjoyed all the compliments about her "not looking old enough to be my mom" from the doctor :) 

Today looks like its going to be a lay low kind of day while I wait for this cramping to pass but I'm alright with that, a movie day sounds pretty great right now. Next on the list is to schedule my ultrasound during ovulation to look at the production and egg quality. I'm actually looking forward to that, only because I know that one won't hurt!

Thank you for all the prayers and support. Troy and I appriciate it more than you will ever know. 


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