moving forward

This all brings us to the end of Septmeber. I met with Dr Dodds of GR Fertility Center. He was amazing, so down to earth and truely sorry that we had gone through everything we had went through the last eight months. We sat and chatted about both Troy and I's medically history and what we were doing moving forward from all of this.
I had sixteen, yes sixteen tubes of blood taken for different tests including things like Cystic Fibrosis, Lupus and a whole aray of other things that I couldn't pernounce. Troy and I also had genetic testing done to see if we have a chromosone abnomality. Lucky Troy only had one tube of blood for that. 
We also decided on a Sonohystogram to look into my uterus for certain things like a septum or polyps that could cause miscarriage. These two things are easily corrected with a surgery. My Sonohystogram is scheduled for October 10. I don't really know how I feel about it. I'm excited to be doing something but this has the potential to give us no answers at all.
After that I'll be having a ultrasound done to look at the quality of my eggs that I am producing. We will then be having a final sit down with the doctor to discuss results and what we could or should do going forward. I'm very hopefuly that we can figure something out but still very hesitant knowing we could find nothing. 
Life is such a roller coaster. I've learned so much about myself and about Troy this last year because of our miscarriages. It's been a weird combination of terrible and great. I can't imagine going through anything like this with anyone else and I am so much more appriciative of Troy. That, I will always be greatful for. As I did my devotions throughout this roller coaster; one devotion sticks in my head. It was about how life has its hills and valleys. God doesn't show us our future for one great reason, it would totally terrify you. I can't imagine knowing I was going to have three miscarriages it would completely overwhelm me and break me down in an instant. God gives us just enough hardship that we ache but we more importantly, learn from it. It makes our relationships not only with him but with others so much stronger. God doesn't ever promise us a problem free life, and I'm glad of that because we would not be shaped into the people we are today without trouble. We learn from our mistakes and grow from our experiences. 
I decided after our third miscarriage that I was done keeping my troubles a secret. If I can use my troubles and valleys to help someone else then I will absolutely do it. I know I found a lot of comfort in people surrounding me and telling me that they know how I felt because they went through something similar. The greatest thing you can do for anyone in that situation is give them a hug and pray for them.

As soon as I have any more information regarding test results I'll keep this updated as best as I can!


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