
The boschs have had quite the exciting week this week! 

I have a lot of updating to do in regaurds to Troy and his progress in therapy and his new found independence, driving.

I'll start with Wednesday; I had the first meeting with my counselor through Winning at Home. It was a very different experience than I was expecting. I was so happy to sit down with someone who has a new and fresh insight on my whole aray of issues who can help me deal with things in a healthy way. I never imagined going into it and falling apart so quickly. I have told my story so many times but this was the first time someone just sat and listened. She had no opinion and knew exactly what to say. Things from the past were brought up that I had no idea were even an issue anymore for me. After one session and I'm already learning that a lot of things have built up along time to give me the amount of anxiety I have today. Troys accident just pushed me right over that edge. 

Friday; Troy had his big drivers test at Mary Free Bed. It was an hour long drivers test through Grand Rapids. He was so incredibly nervous which made for some major melt downs on his part. So, I'm so very thankful to say, he passed! I am still very nervous about him driving but the on the other hand I did not want to have him upset he didn't pass and blame me for not letting him practice more. He defiantly doesn't drive like he used to but I think he needs to put some time in and get used to it again. This is just another step towards normalcy for Troy. He is loving his new found freedom behind the wheel. 

It's a good thing I'm in therapy now because I'll defiantly need it while Troy is out driving. 


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